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Dan Bonow "Unko Funki"

MusicianSinger   |   Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Jawaiian, Rock, Electronic, Rap, Pop, Punk, Funk, HipHop, R&B, Soul, New Age, World, Alternative, Metal


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About Dan Bonow "Unko Funki"

Raised in Seattle and Nigeria, Dan's music is soulful and dance oriented. He has toured internationally on organ with Bluesman Albert Collins and Reggae icon, Apple Gabriel as well as with his original bands. Dan Has lived and gigged here on Kauai for the last 12 years. His band "UNKO FUNKI" plays soul/funk originals with a jazzy world beat twist. Dan has TV shows on Kauai's "Hoike" - ch 54, "Unko...
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634.8786 or 828.1297